Former Boise Mayoral Candidate Arrested Over DUI Charges

A former candidate for the position of Boise mayor has been arrested over DUI and a string of other charges. Adriel Martinez ran for the seat of the mayor in 2019. He also ran for the Boise City Council two years before as well as for the Idaho Senate.

According to the details shared by the authorities, Martinez was arrested by the Boise police department on Thursday, September 17. The arrest came about early in the morning at about 4 a.m. The police are yet to release more details surrounding the arrest. However, it is possible to glean some information from the string of charges brought against Martinez.

The charges brought against Martinez include misdemeanor DUI, misdemeanor resisting or obstructing an officer, and felony eluding a police officer in a vehicle. Based on these charges, it can be inferred that a police officer apparently attempted to stop Martinez but the former mayoral candidate instead fled the stop. The felony eluding charge also indicates that the arrest may have been preceded by a chase by the police.

The charges brought against Martinez carry significant penalties. The misdemeanor DUI charge is relatively mild and carries penalties of up to 6 months in prison and a fine of up to $1,000. For misdemeanor resisting or obstructing a law officer, Idaho law stipulates a prison sentence of up to a maximum of 1 year and a fine of up to $1,000.

For the felony charge of eluding a police officer in a vehicle, Martinez may face a suspension of his driving privileges for at least one year and up to three years. This charge is typically brought when a driver travels above 30 mph, causes property damage or injury, or otherwise drives dangerously while attempting to elude the police. Penalties for the charge may also include prison sentence and fine. Contact our Boise DUI attorneys today.


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