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What Happens to Your CDL if You’re Convicted of DWI in Boise, Idaho?


Nobody ever wants to get arrested and charged with DWI in Boise, Idaho. This kind of criminal charge can change your life forever. Not only will you have to deal with the immediate legal ramifications. You’ll also be dealing with long-term consequences. However, if you drive for a living, you’ll certainly be facing professional consequences as well.

People who hold their commercial driver’s license are held to a higher standard. Whether this is fair or not isn’t the point. If you’re driving under your CDL and are caught driving while intoxicated, you’ll be facing serious penalties. The penalties you’ll face will be much worse than the regular person who’s charged with DWI.

That’s why it’s really important that you call and talk to a DWI defense lawyer in Boise right away. Every step you take from the moment you’re arrested can impact your life in a big way. Having a skilled defense lawyer there by your side can make a world of difference. That’s why you should call one as soon as you get to the police station. If you don’t have information for an attorney, call your family and ask them to call our office so we can get in touch with you. It’s better to do this sooner rather than later. 

What are the DUI Laws in Boise, Idaho?

The laws in Idaho for DUI are pretty straight forward. If you get pulled over DWI, the police are going to ask you to take a breathalyzer. This may also be done at the hospital or the police station. If you test at .08 or higher, you’ll be arrested and charged with DWI. If you test at .20 or higher, the penalties are going to be even greater. 

The penalties for DUI in Idaho are as follows:

  • 1st Offense: Misdemeanor
    • Up to 6 months in jail
    • $1,000 fines
    • 90-180 day suspension of driver’s license
  • 2nd Offense: Misdemeanor
    • 10 days to 1 year in jail
    • $2,000 fines
    • 1-year suspension of driver’s license
    • Ignition interlock device
  • 3rd Offense: Felony
    • 30 days to 5 years in jail
    • $5,000 fines
    • 5-year suspension of driver’s license
    • Ignition interlock device

As if these penalties aren’t serious enough, they’re even worse if your BAC is more than .20. If this is the case, the penalties go way up. They are as follows:

  • 1st Offense: Misdemeanor
    • 10 days to 1 year in jail
    • $2,000 fines
    • 1-year driver’s license suspension
  • Additional Offenses: Felony
    • 30 days to 5 years in jail
    • $5,000 fines
    • 5-year suspension of driver’s license
    • Ignition interlock device

What Happens to Commercial Drivers Charged with DUI?

If you are operating a commercial vehicle at the time of your DUI, you’re going to be held to a different standard. Commercial trucks are larger than passenger vehicles. They’re also a lot more dangerous. This is why the law is so much stricter for people who drive for a living.

The legal limit for commercial drivers is not .08 – it’s half that amount – 0.04. The law also states that it’s illegal to operate a commercial vehicle within 4 hours of drinking alcohol. So, even if you test lower than .04, if there’s proof that you’ve been drinking within the last 4 hours, you can still be charged and convicted.

If you’re charged with DUI as a commercial driver, you must notify your employer within 30 days. You’ll also learn that you’ll be disqualified for a CDL in the State of Idaho.

Contact an Experienced DUI Defense Lawyer in Boise Immediately

If you are a commercial driver charged with DUI, you need to contact an experienced DUI lawyer right away. Not only are you facing criminal charges, but your livelihood could be on the line. The last thing you want to do is leave it up to chance. Come in and sit down with a skilled DUI defense lawyer who knows how the law works. They have a working relationship with the prosecutor and may be able to negotiate a plea deal. Or, if they can poke enough holes in the state’s case, they may be able to get your charges reduced or dismissed.

There’s simply too much at stake to try to handle this on your own. DUI defense lawyers have decades of combined experience handling cases like yours. They know what’s at stake and they’ll work hard to get you the best possible outcome. Contact our office today and set up an appointment to meet with one of our experienced DUI defense lawyers today.
