Idaho Breathalyzer Law

Idaho Breathalyzer Law

Idaho residents may face criminal charges for refusing a Breathalyzer test when requested by an officer. If convicted, these charges carry severe consequences like a fine and mandatory license suspension that stretches even longer than certain DUI convictions. 

Understanding Idaho Breathalyzer law may be difficult for individuals outside of the legal space, so the skilled lawyers at Trilogy Law Group are here to break it down.

We’re well-informed on the ins and outs of Idaho laws and have helped clients lower or dismiss their DUI-related criminal charges for years. We know what it takes to build a strong case and we tailor our strategies based on your unique circumstances to ensure you get the strongest legal defense for your unique charge. 

What is Idaho’s Breathalyzer Law?

A Breathalyzer is a device that measures the chemical composition of your breath to gauge your blood alcohol content (BAC). In Idaho, the legal threshold for a BAC to be worthy of driving under the influence (DUI) charges is 0.08 percent. This number is lower for minors or drivers operating commercial vehicles. 

In Idaho, if an officer requests an individual take a Breathalyzer test, they must comply or face an automatic suspension. Refusing a Breathalyzer doesn’t stop the officer from a blood sample to measure BAC in a lab. After an individual refuses, the officer may still conduct a blood test with a warrant. 

Even if the individual is found to have a low BAC and cannot be charged with a DUI, they can still be charged for refusing to comply with the Breathalyzer request. Some penalties for this charge can be even more severe than a first-time DUI charge.

Penalties for Refusing a Breathalyzer in Idaho

Refusing a Breathalyzer test in Idaho can lead to a $250 fine and a one-year mandatory license suspension. The effects of a license suspension can be far-reaching, intervening in your ability to attend work, school, or freely attend social events with your loved ones.

To avoid the harshest of these penalties, it’s crucial to partner with a skilled attorney as early as possible. Using strategy and strong argumentation skills, your lawyer may successfully argue for the charge to be dropped entirely, or for the sentence to be lowered. If you can showcase positive change to the judge after the incident, such as rehabilitation or other steps forward, this may bolster the argument. 

Based on the details of your case, an experienced attorney will develop an argument best suited to your circumstances and advocate for your best option within the courtroom.

Connect with an Idaho DUI Attorney

Understanding the Idaho Breathalyzer law may feel overwhelming and frustrating, particularly if you weren’t aware of it before you refused the breath test. Fortunately, your lawyer can help you take action. 

At Trilogy Law Group, our skilled legal team is here to answer questions you have about the law, your case, and your next steps. Call us today at  208-968-9060 or fill in our online form for a consultation today.

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