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DUI Case in Idaho: Do I Need a Lawyer For My First Case?


Many people might have to face their first DUI case in Idaho alone. Indulging in drinking or other forms of mild intoxications is a common occurrence. And as long as it’s done in a controlled manner, it isn’t a problem at all either. However, responsibility always plays a major role in this regard. If your drug intake is high enough that it’ll impair your ability to do certain activities, you should definitely refrain from doing so. Driving is a common example. In order to avoid a first-time DUI case in Idaho, there are 2 routes that can be taken; either don’t partake in drinking to such an extent or don’t drive if you feel you’ve reached the point where your driving is impaired.

When it comes to DUI, it certainly begs the question; do you really need a lawyer for a first-time DUI offense? To quickly answer this question, the answer is yes. Our cause of saying so is based on multiple reasons because a lawyer can:

  • Guide you through the legal process of a DUI
  • Fight for a ‘not guilty’ verdict
  • Negotiate a plea deal if you are found guilty of DUI

Any driver that exceeds the bare minimum level of BAC can be convicted of DUI and might be asked to take a breathalyzer test. It should be noted that refusal to take this test could end up in penalties whereas taking the test and failing at it would have its own consequences. These consequences, however, vary depending on the situation. A first-time DUI case in Idaho may not have the same fines as opposed to a third-time offense.

Penalties for a First-Time DUI Case:

A first-time DUI offense can range anywhere from a 2.5-year jail time to license suspension for one year to fines. The fines can range from anywhere between $500 – $5,000. Individuals who engage in a first-time DUI offense will most likely be told to complete an alcohol treatment program. The program is 16 weeks long with one meet per week and will be required to be fulfilled by anyone who is convicted. This program is also called a Driver Alcohol Education (DAE) program.

Can a First-Time Offense Be Considered As A Felony? What Will Happen After My First DUI Offense?

It is likely that a first-time offense will not be considered a felony and just be categorized as a misdemeanor. However, if your first-time DUI offense resulted in severe harm or injury to another or even death, there is a chance you could be charged with a felony.

Sobriety checkpoints in Idaho are not allowed. If you have been charged with a DUI case in Idaho, the first thing you should do is get in touch with an attorney. This is because a lawyer will be able to guide you through the entire legal framework as well as fight your case to attain the best way out for you possible. An experienced lawyer will be very helpful in this regard.

Choosing a Lawyer To Defend Your Case:

In the event that you have been convicted of a DUI, you would need a lawyer. This brings up the next question; who should you hire? The best thing you can possibly do in such a situation is to contact a lawyer who specializes in the same domain and moreover, has experience in your situation. Always be sure to check for their prior experience. You’ll know right then if they are the right fit for you.

Get In Touch With A Qualified DUI Lawyer:

DUI cases are nothing new or uncommon for that matter. And the better approach to always deal with a DUI is to let an expert handle it so you can walk away from it with the best plea deal. A lawyer will be able to advise whether you should enter a plea of being guilty or not. Moreover, they will also appeal for your license suspension as soon as the Idaho Department of Transportation initiates the act of suspending your license.

If you have been accused of a DUI case in Idaho, regardless if it is your first offense or your third, reach out to our DUI Lawyers today so we can evaluate your case and advise you the best way forward. We ensure that we will get you the best possible plea deal because we specialize in this area of practice. We will guide you through the process and represent your case.
